Wall-hung toilet

Wall-hung toilet

What is Wall Hung Toilet?

Wall mounted toilet also name wall toilet.

The wall-hung toilet is wall mounted, it offers integrated personal cleansing while saving up to 8 inches of precious bathroom space over other's longest floor-mount models. The mounting hardware is completely concealed, giving Veil a sleek, seamless look that is incredibly easy to clean. Its sculpted core delivers a suite of precision features finely tuned to provide optimum hygiene and ultimate individual comfort.

We sell the wall mounted toilet with tank or separately.

Are Wall Hung Toilet Worth it?

Wall hung toilets can be a great option for some homeowners, depending on their needs and preferences. Here are some potential advantages and disadvantages to consider when deciding whether a wall hung toilet is worth it for your home:

●Space-saving: Wall hung toilets are designed to be mounted on the wall, which can save floor space and make it easier to clean the bathroom.

●Modern look: Wall hung toilets have a sleek and modern look that can enhance the aesthetics of the bathroom.

●Adjustable height: Because wall hung toilets are mounted on the wall, the height can be adjusted to meet the needs of different users.

●Easy to clean: With no base or crevices to clean around, wall hung toilets are easier to clean than standard floor-mounted toilets.
And, it still have some drawbacks. Therefore, you also need to cosider whether these drawbacks you can accpet.

●Installation: Installing a wall hung toilet requires more expertise and planning than a standard toilet, and may require additional structural support in the wall.

●Cost: Wall hung toilets are generally more expensive than standard floor-mounted toilets.

●Maintenance: Wall hung toilets require regular maintenance to ensure that the wall-mounted frame and water tank are functioning properly.

●Seat options: Wall hung toilets may have fewer options for toilet seats and accessories than standard toilets.